czwartek, 9 grudnia 2010

Cześć wszystkim !

Dear 'FuckYouAll',

How about YOU get off your ass.

If you don't like the website then GET THE FUCK OFF.

Some people come here to vent, and others don't.

Not everyone is depressed.

Just because we post quotes about guys doesn't mean we're depressed.

So how about YOU get a life and stop hating on us.

Hahahaha people like you make me laugh.

You're just so ignorant.

Peace out .

Copy and paste code into "Source" and then

type in the words that you want after the code.

Hopes it works for you guys(:

Hot Pink Shadows: 

Coral Pink Shadows: 

Orange Shadows: 

Yellow Shadows: 

Gold Shadows: 

Lime Green Shadows: 

Bright Green Shadows: 

Cyan Shadows: 

Sky Blue Shadows: 

Torquoise Shadows: 

Lavender Shadows: 

Purple Shadows: 
Dark Purple Shadows: